Private jet charter

Charter Aircraft

Aircraft charter - solution for business people

Far from every company can afford their own aircraft. However, more and more people today turn to business aviation.

"EastUnion" is a subsidiary of the group of companies "Provider Service", a well-known supplier of VIP-class catering. Chartering EastUnion's aircrafts will give you the feeling of comfort and safety during the whole flight. Onboard service will be organized taking into consideration your every desire. That's why aircraft charter is the most optimal way for a business person to get to any part of the world whenever it's convenient for them.

Aircraft charter is gaining popularity from year to year as the most luxurious way of flying with a first-class service. Departing from an airport our passenger goes through the process of registration and other customs procedures without standing in a waiting line which means that aircraft charter remarkably reduces the time spent on registration. Moreover, chartering an aircraft you no longer depend on the schedule of regular flights and the aircraft will depart at the time appointed by our client.

In dynamic life today aircraft charter allows business people to visit several countries in one day and, thus, to quickly solve urgent business matters and make deals. For their convenience we are ready to offer our clients other services, besides aircraft charter, which is the major direction of "EastUnion's" activity, - arranging transfer in any country of the world and booking hotels.

When chartering an aircraft from "EastUnion" absolute confidentiality is guaranteed. It's our principle to provide our client with full authentic information.

"EastUnion" offers you a whole range of business aviation aircrafts. Our experienced personnel will in no time choose an appropriate type of the aircraft basing on your desire, route and technical characteristics of an aircraft. The cost of aircraft rent will be remarkably lower if you use the system of Empty Legs.